To carry out teachers experiments with the hand driven generator DynaMot and the experimental notes by Dr. H. Muckenfuß.
Hand driven generator as power supply and alive teaching support for the formation of concepts in electricity.
DynaMot can be used as a DC-generator as well as a DC-motor and it is able to replace batteries or power supplies in the basic electricity teaching.
As the students can generate the power for most of the experiments themselves the concepts and theories about the electric circuit are closely connected with personal experiences gathered when generating the electric energy with the generator.
Survey of experiments:
Comparison with mechanical energy transfer
Comparison with electrical power transmission.
Practicing current measurement and observing the effect of the rotation speed of the crank and the brightness of the lamp.
Study of the behavior of the current in a parallel circuit.
Exploring the relationship between P and t.
Basics of the concept of tension.
Physical quantity voltage is defined.
Definition of the voltage is achieved.
item number 54845
In the manual further experiments are suggested which can be conducted with the components of the ...
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